Showing posts with label computer color. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computer color. Show all posts

Sunday, December 9, 2018

BLERD-ISH - mock cover

I did a cover commission for a friend's podcast.

I like how it came out. It got me noticed to do another podcast illustration that I'll be done with by X-mas.
Y'all want to see some process?

Here ya go:

digital sketch 01
digital sketch 02 (this is the one we went with)

pencil art - 11x17 on paper
pencil with trade dress mock up (also looks like a little corrections to the art, as well. I don't remember doing that.. heh!)

ink art with background. I did the building digitally and transferred it to paper. I like how it came out, but still talk myself out of doing backgrounds digitally for some reason.

Final colors without trade dress. 

I will show the new image when it is approved and okay to show. Thanks for indulging me.


here's another cover: Not So Super - Humanescent

This suckah's pretty big. Not ridiculously so, but bigger than is comfortable for me.
It's basically a double page spread, with a little extra to allow for a spine if need be. I like it now that it's done... at the time, I was cursing it up a storm.

I'm happy that it's done.
I'm happy that it exists.
Is that David Tennant?


Saturday, September 24, 2016

Another Venom

Did I post a Venom before?

I'm pretty sure I have. Well, here's another...

I love drawing this guy..

I need more of him in my life.



Holy crap! I didn't post this poster? Shame... Shame... Shame...

The poster was used for a concert my friend and his friends put on in June. I did all the lettering design and drawing.

Here's the poster without the copy.



The whole summer's done!

Here's Raph for a friend's Birthday.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Child of the Sun, Issue 3

The published version

A previous version as envisioned by the writer and myself. It was ultimately scrapped for the one with less bees.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Terra Kaiju! for Joe Badon's Kickstarter

First and foremost, go here and give money:

Then, look at these!

I started with a layout.  Basically a large thumbnail that I would later blow up and lightbox onto comic board. We chose to do the one on the left.

I penciled it.  I googled the faces of some Japanese peasants from the movie the Seven Samurai.

I inked the bastard!

Color and type all came about from the help of some magic elves. Just kidding... that $@#% took a long time.

I'm going to try selling these on my Etsy page.  Message me for details.  Probably something like $10 plus shipping.  Let me know.

