Showing posts with label digital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2017

At play with T-Shirts

Did you know that I have a store on TeePublic?

It's nothing huge, I haven't even created a profile avatar or a cover image yet. I've had one on Red Bubble for what seems like a thousand years, too, though I do have a profile image on there... I might use the same one for TeePublic or make a new one for both... I don't know yet.

Here's some of what's on there at the moment...

... plus more!


Monday, October 24, 2016

ALIEN Drumpf

This election season is... interesting.

I saw the Donald on TV and for the longest time, probably for as long as he's been running for president of the US, I've wanted to draw hi as a character and, maybe, include him in a comic I've been working on for, perhaps, too long.

Pardon my verbosity, here's the picture...

I also did an alternative version due to his unfortunate habit of refilling his lungs quickly through his nose into the listening microphone. Yes, people need to breathe, but... COME ON!!!

I truthfully thought about doing a Hillary one too, but she's not as visually interesting as Trump. Maybe I'll revisit when it's all over.


- L

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Another Venom

Did I post a Venom before?

I'm pretty sure I have. Well, here's another...

I love drawing this guy..

I need more of him in my life.



Holy crap! I didn't post this poster? Shame... Shame... Shame...

The poster was used for a concert my friend and his friends put on in June. I did all the lettering design and drawing.

Here's the poster without the copy.



The whole summer's done!

Here's Raph for a friend's Birthday.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Revisiting friendly friends from the neighborhood

I did this a number of years ago.

I was planning on doing this huge Spider-Man poster with an buttload of Spidey villains and supporting cast in the background.  I think what derailed me was The Iron Spider and Civil War because these were seemingly the four most important/recognizable Spidey changes then... BOOM!... Ci-vil WAAAAAR!

It's been sitting in a drive in my studio and then in a folder on my computer. It's also been floating around the net in some places as pencils; the original is long gone. I decided that I wanted to do something with it so I started flatting it with the intention of printing some for the kids I work with.  Now it's talking to me.  Saying sweet things in my ear....

... finish me...

... finish me...

... finish me...

We'll see where I take it. It will be finshed somehow.  Another image incorporating the ideas of this one (I have an idea I'm already toying with) or maybe just inking it, coloring it proper proper and selling it at cons...

... things to think about...


Monday, January 5, 2015

Terra Kaiju! for Joe Badon's Kickstarter

First and foremost, go here and give money:

Then, look at these!

I started with a layout.  Basically a large thumbnail that I would later blow up and lightbox onto comic board. We chose to do the one on the left.

I penciled it.  I googled the faces of some Japanese peasants from the movie the Seven Samurai.

I inked the bastard!

Color and type all came about from the help of some magic elves. Just kidding... that $@#% took a long time.

I'm going to try selling these on my Etsy page.  Message me for details.  Probably something like $10 plus shipping.  Let me know.



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New Stuff 10-15-2014

Did some work for a client.  I really like how it came out.  Not a regular style for me so it really felt nice to stretch my legs in it for a bit.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's over, Prime!

So I finished Megatron.
This was a really tricky drawing.  I haven't really drawn robots since I was a kid watching Voltron on channel 11 after school. Activate Inter-locks, indeed!
I approached it digitally, at first.  Then when I became dissatisfied with how it was coming out, I did a "real world" version that came out kinda fun.  On scanning the drawing, I found out that the marker I used to sketch it in showed up in the scans... I mean BIG time.  So back to the drawing board and back to Photoshop.  I inked him in and... well, not baaad.  I wasn't completely happy with his pose but to make me happy, I would have to redraw the whole sumnabitch so I just let it go (that's what you gotta learn kids, how to "let it go!")
Okay, Inking's done... I crop off the feet because I didn't develop them all that much so, poof, they're gone. I start doing flats which I always do in Photoshop and give a simple light source using the PS brushes with grey on a multiply layer.  Then I put the drawing away and work on something else.
I come BACK and looking at the piece, decide I want to finish it in Painter.  The brushes in Painter do some funky things and give me more options with how to mix colors or texture the picture, so I pick a custom brush I made from a pen and start scribblin' away at Meggy until he looks like something and voila!
It came out pretty okay. There are things I think I would still do different but, I let it go.  I'll probably revisit drawing Meggy when I finally do an Optimus Prime drawing a friend of mine asked for... cough (two years ago) cough!  Sorry...
So I hope y'all likes.  I'll seeya again soon.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Guardian Knight Presents #1

We just finished our first anthology book for Guardian Knight Comics. Here are some preview pages for you to look at:

Edit-3/07/11: here's the link to buy an issue of the book! Sh-sh-shake! It's great!