Showing posts with label drawings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drawings. Show all posts

Monday, August 7, 2017

#DRAWGUST and first week of drawings!

I've been wanting to complete a drawing challenge.

So I decided to do one called DRAWGUST. It's not as big as, say, Inktober, but I see there are some artists participating. When I thought of it, I planned on making it more than just "Inktober in August" so I made rules for myself.

--- At least a drawing a day for 31 days.

--- All drawings have to, at least be inked. (I'm trying to watercolor a majority of them)

--- Post daily but at the end of each week I would put a weekly scan of that week's art here (my daily posts would show up on my Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr pages.)

--- Along with the weekly drawings, I would have to complete a sketchbook in that month's time.

Simple enough.

Here's the first week:

week 01


Monday, October 24, 2016

My Adventures with Sketch Lottery Part 2

I've been submitting to the website

This was the second, BLACK GETTER from Getter Robo.

I'm posting a larger version on my site after they post it on Sketch Lottery.


My Adventures with Sketch Lottery Part 1

I've been submitting to the website

This was the first one, SCUD - The Disposable Assassin.

I'm posting a larger version on my site after they post it on Sketch Lottery.



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New Stuff 10-15-2014

Did some work for a client.  I really like how it came out.  Not a regular style for me so it really felt nice to stretch my legs in it for a bit.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Arms, a leg, a couple of faces, boobs and The Savage Dragon

Updizzlating tha Blizzoggle!

So I sat down to play with a Z-Brush trial that I've been dying to play with.  I have this Venom sketch that I think I want to see in 3-D.

A hefty endeavor, I grant you, but I think it's one that would be worthwhile to pursue.  What do you think?


Achem!  Anyway, while going through sketchings I did somewhat recently I got the urge to look at my blog to see what was there.  My last entry was truly a sad one.  Not very interesting, at all.  So I wanted to update my blog.  But the heading was crapzilla.  Big enough to crush Tokyo with it's floppy crap tail and it's giant crap back scales that glow right before it spews crap fire.  What am I talking about?  I DON'T KNOW!  Bust it definitely resulted in me changing my header.

It's this one:


Which will definitely change... maybe soon... maybe not but at least it looks like something.

For now.

Okay.  Back to doing something worthwhile.  It's probably not the Venom because I'm all about my blog now so, it's probably a new header.

Later Gators!