Showing posts with label pencil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pencil. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2016

My Adventures with Sketch Lottery Part 3

I've been submitting to the website

This was the third drawing, MUNK from Green Lantern.

I'm not a huge GL fan so I've bever heard of the character. I drew him a couple times, one I finshed, one I didn't...

I'm posting a larger version of the one they posted on Sketch Lottery, plus the one I noodled with for a couple of weeks after....


Monday, January 5, 2015

Terra Kaiju! for Joe Badon's Kickstarter

First and foremost, go here and give money:

Then, look at these!

I started with a layout.  Basically a large thumbnail that I would later blow up and lightbox onto comic board. We chose to do the one on the left.

I penciled it.  I googled the faces of some Japanese peasants from the movie the Seven Samurai.

I inked the bastard!

Color and type all came about from the help of some magic elves. Just kidding... that $@#% took a long time.

I'm going to try selling these on my Etsy page.  Message me for details.  Probably something like $10 plus shipping.  Let me know.



Saturday, August 18, 2012

Updizzlating tha Blizzoggle!

So I sat down to play with a Z-Brush trial that I've been dying to play with.  I have this Venom sketch that I think I want to see in 3-D.

A hefty endeavor, I grant you, but I think it's one that would be worthwhile to pursue.  What do you think?


Achem!  Anyway, while going through sketchings I did somewhat recently I got the urge to look at my blog to see what was there.  My last entry was truly a sad one.  Not very interesting, at all.  So I wanted to update my blog.  But the heading was crapzilla.  Big enough to crush Tokyo with it's floppy crap tail and it's giant crap back scales that glow right before it spews crap fire.  What am I talking about?  I DON'T KNOW!  Bust it definitely resulted in me changing my header.

It's this one:


Which will definitely change... maybe soon... maybe not but at least it looks like something.

For now.

Okay.  Back to doing something worthwhile.  It's probably not the Venom because I'm all about my blog now so, it's probably a new header.

Later Gators!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011