Showing posts with label red. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red. Show all posts

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Well.... I finished the Juggernaut hybrid painting.

To refresh your memory, here's the original WIP... did I post it?  I don't remember.  Anyway:


I was sick of looking at it in my folder as a work in progress so I "finished" it to as far as my patience and wakedness could sustain...


It's done!


That's all I got.  Talk to you's laterz...



Saturday, October 25, 2014

Juggernaut work in progress

Just for fun.  Practicing digital painting so I can financially benefit from a new possible skillset.



Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Grass is Always Greener...

This is my "first" blog with Blogger. I chose this design because I liked the scrollable (is that a word?) picture behind the words which I can change at any time.

(Note: As I'm writing this, the picture behind the blog is a graphic depiction of grass with some dandelions and sky... I definitely have to change it!!!)

So, why'm I making a blog? That's a good question...

The Answers:

A.) Being a "wanna-be" professional artist made me want to set-up a constantly updating archive of works I have created on an almost daily basis.

B.) I really do have the kind of ego that would allow me to believe that people want to know what I think.

C.) I like to find new ways to shirk my duties and/or responsibilities by giving myself new, regular distractions.

D.) I enjoy finding new things to do and then not do (MySpace, Facebook and in the future, Twitter)

E.) Someone told me that I should expose myself as much as I can... NOT LIKE THAT!!!

F.) All of the Above...

I know "F" is a cop-out. But I guess as far as I'm concerned, it can be either, any and all of the above choices. Tonight, I want it for the art part... BEHOLD ---


lator gators!
