Showing posts with label york. Show all posts
Showing posts with label york. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2013

NYCC 2013

I ended up going to New York Comic Con this year.

I wanted to avoid it and I thought it would be a great opportunity to stop and think about what I wanted to do with my art.  I mean, yeah, it's definitely going to be about publishing a comic, maybe a graphic novel, maybe a cartoon but what do I REALLY want, you know?

Anyway, I went and helped out Daniel Cooney at his Valentine table and it was good fun.  Dan's a brilliant storyteller and an accomplished teacher and comic booker.  He's been doing it since a little before senior year of college and he's still going strong.

I think I wanna be him when I grow up.

Anyway part deux, I also got to chill with the Florida Comix Scene, the gang from Cosmic Times and Creature, who were doing their thing with a fury!  I got to hang at the Creature table for a couple of days doing sketch covers.  First day was cool, the second was cool but I didn't sell any covers... that's how it goes, unfortunately, but I got to hang out with a brilliant bunch of guys (and girl) that, if I can get more organized, I would like to do some work for.

So the show was fun, funner than usual.  I'm a little upset that I didn't get to hang with the Pronto Comics collective and I'm sad Grayhaven didn't make it.  Next year, Gadget... next year!

The Zombie Years #1
Creature Entertainment sketch cover by me
Creature Entertainment sketch cover by me

Now for some plugs:

Seeya Soon
